First and foremost, make sure you have the right phone number. There are Florida chat lines based all over the state, and for best results, you will want to call the one that is local to you. If you do have the right number, know what to expect after you dial. You will hear a brief introduction explaining how the chat line works and will be asked to record a succinct message or greeting. Don’t panic. Yes, your message will be heard by others on the line, but it’s nothing to worry about. Just take the time to provide general information about yourself and what you are looking for. Remember not to give away any major identifiers, like a last name or a phone number, as this can prove dangerous.
As you chat with others, continue to exercise caution. If there is someone you’d like to get to know more, try arranging future “dates” on the line before exchanging any information. If you do end up meeting, do so in a safe, public place. As long as you use the line responsibly, you should have a blast.